E-Twinning, My Values, ​​My Country

In this project, by addressing the topics of “Love-Respect-Sharing-Responsibility-Empathy-Helpfulness”, which are among the values ​​education topics, we will carry out various activities related to the values ​​we have chosen together with our students and project members; In this way, we will support our children to internalize values. We will become aware of various values ​​between countries. In addition to these studies, we will prepare a digital book and share it at the end of our project, which will progress by creating a story about values. Our aim in our project is to internalize these values ​​in children and make them permanent, as well as to teach safe internet use, to contribute to media literacy and to introduce web 2.0 tools.

Membri în proiect: Mîndrean Daniela ,Matei Lavinia Gabriela,Laar Florentina Simona

Parteneri: Turcia,România,Grecia,Lituania.